The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32190   Message #465670
Posted By: Omar the Duck
18-May-01 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
Subject: RE: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
I don't know about you all, but I caught Sorcha Dorcha, someplace, I think it may have been at Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival or something like that... Well! That guy Larry was playing An Phis Fluich on the Uileann pipes, while singing a song about a guy from the "Decency in Gaelic Song Titles Brotherhood of Drunks" in the front row who was heckling them, making the song up on the spot, while kicking a sleeping band mate awake with his toe... at the same time, Sarah the Gammon Bell was shooting dried peas out of her oboe at the heckler, while not missing a note of the tune, her husband Bill, Dr. O'Fez Bell was playing the guitar and composing his a response to his doctoral thesis, on a laptop computer, typing with his bare feet, Gena Tlamsa was painting a picture of James Galway hugging Joe Stalin, while also playing the tune with her free hand, Eve Carrol Zanni was singing a harmony while drinking a Cranberry and Seltzer spritzer, and it all sounded GREAT!
Now you tell me you have a band more accomplished than that!!!! I should hope NOT!
Omar the D