The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34442   Message #466236
Posted By: Big Mick
19-May-01 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Will Mudcat Survive?
Subject: RE: Will Mudcat Survive?
I am very proud to be associated with all of you, posters and anons, who are donating. It is not fair for us to continue to ask others to foot the bill for our enjoyment. Even if your opinions, when they don't agree with mine, are all screwed up......;') My firm or Patterson, Swann, Fielding and Lane, Layabouts at Large and for Hire, will donate it's services free of charge for the next 12 months. That's right, you heard correctly, we will do all the laying about for the next 12 months gratis... por cost. Now before the accolades start, we just want to say that any redblooded, blueblooded, noblooded, citizen of the Mudcat would do the same. No thanks needed.

Come youse good folks. Cough up a pledge. It will make you feel great to do your bit!!

And now we return to "As The Bowels Move: The Life Story of Pat "Catspaw" Patterson".
