The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34442   Message #466263
Posted By: Allan C.
19-May-01 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Will Mudcat Survive?
Subject: RE: Will Mudcat Survive?
Y'know, in most fundraising ventures one has to donate BIG bucks in order to be placed in that hallowed category called "Sustaining Member". Truth is that here at the Mudcat one can be a Sustaining Member no matter what amount is pledged. Cool, huh?

But as it is elsewhere, pledges are only as good as the money actually received. Be sure you follow up on whatever amount you pledge. There is no mechanism for mailing friendly reminders or whatever to you. Do what you can and do it now. If you pledge to pay a monthly amount, please, please follow through with it.


I mean that. Thank you for supporting this wonderful place. I cannot begin to tell you what the Mudcat has meant to me over the time (three years as of last week!) I have been here. I hope that with your help it can continue to be such a big part of so many lives and a genuine service to the folk community.


Allan C.