The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34519   Message #466361
Posted By: DougR
19-May-01 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Pledge Drive - Will Mudcat Survive 2
Subject: RE: MUDCAT PLEDGE DRIVE-Will Mudcat Survive2
I just want to add my 2 cents to what Spaw and kat have said.

The amount you pledge or send in a lump sum is of no interest to anyone. If you agree that you derive a lot of pleasure, and learn a lot by usinging the Mudcat, you owe it to yourself to support it.

This isn't a campaign started by Max. It was started by some members that responded to a thread that was posed, I believe (and forgive me if I'm wrong) by Lonesome E. J.

He had heard Max utter an aside that because his business was not doing well, it might be difficult to keep the Mudcat going. All of the background is covered in that thread, and I won't repeat it here.

The amount required to ensure Mudcat's continued existence is very modest when you think about it. We only have to raise $4,800 and if a majority of mudcatters respond, it won't require a burdensome donation on any one person's part.

Pledge today, will you? Or send Max a check at the address listed in kat's posting above.

