The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34534   Message #466663
Posted By: lloyd64
20-May-01 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Blue Saturday Night
Subject: RE: BS: Another Blue Saturday Night
Thanks Kat, I got my Cookie back, I feel healed. No Opal dose not sing anymore, she says she dose not have time and I should not have time either. Last month I took her to a Gig and the folks loved her. I thought that would get her interested back but it had a negitive effect, she felt as it took her away from her work at home. The band I'm in would like her to sing, but she has no interest, and thats ok if I was alloed to continue, but thats not the case. Some times I feel like giving my insturments to my kids and giving up. but I won't. I will follow my dream to my grave, I will never give up. My health? I'm on cancer watch, so far so good, but it has slowed me down and changed a few things in my life that I'm not happy about, but music can and does fill many voids in our life.

It's now 1:00 Am, time to turn in, will check the thread in the morning.

Love to all, Keep playing and singing.
