The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34567   Message #467266
Posted By: Don Firth
21-May-01 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Technical Question: Error Messages
Subject: Technical Question: Error Messages
Is it in the system somewhere, or is it me?

I have Mudcat in my list of "Favorites" (Internet Explorer), and usually all I have to do is click on Favorites, scroll to Mudcat Café ( and click, wait for a few seconds and I'm there. For the last couple of days, when I do that, I come up with the dreaded Error screen --

The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

followed by "Please try the following:" -- none of which helps much.


Error Occurred While Processing Request
(then, in a box)

Error Diagnostic Information

WaitNamedPipe returned FALSE.

Windows NT error number 121 occurred.

This happens from time to time, and when it does usually I assume that Mudcat is down for maintenance or something like that. But this started this weekend and prevailed into today. I tried the mirrors (loki, dharma, and ragtime), which sometimes gets me in, but yesterday and today I kept coming up with the same result. The only way I was able to get on was to go to, type a string that I knew was in one of the threads into the "advanced search" box, and and it gave me a couple of shots at it (thanks, mousethief!), which allowed me to access the thread directly -- a pretty damned convoluted way of going about it! I was able to access other threads and such, but I couldn't go anyplace from there (such as "Resources"). Other people seemed to be accessing Mudcat okay, because there were new messages showing up, so I got to wondering if I'm goofing up somewhere.

Can somebody enlighten me?

Don Firth
(I just hope I can get back on)