The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34647   Message #468446
Posted By: gus C
23-May-01 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: Use of Folk Music in History Education
Subject: RE: BS: Use of Folk Musiv in History Education
My list pretty much belongs in a US class room- A student asked about "the 1913 Massacre" only days ago, this or "the Ludlow Massacre"(both Woody Guthrie) are great examples of the antagonism between management and the growing unions during the labor movement of the early 20th century.
"A hard rain's a gonna fall"(Dylan) - the threat of nuclear war
"No more auction block" (trad. negro spiritual)- Slavery/reconstruction
"Black and Evil"(Lightning Sam Hopkins)- Racism
"God Moves on the water"(Willie Johnson) or "when the Great Ship went Down" ( Trad. blues) - The Titanic
"Blowing in the wind" ( Dylan)- Civil rights movement
"John Henry" ( Trad. Blues)- As response to industrial revolution**** TEACH THIS! and stop teaching that the industrial revolution is over, it aint.
"Buffalo Soldier" (Bob Marley)
"Highway 61 revisted" (Dylan) - The ugly commercialization of our age . Start this lesson with the blues ballad "Hwy 61" preferably Fred Mcdowell's version and then move on to " do you know where I can get rid of these things?.....take 'em on down to hwy 61"
"Whitey's on the Moon" ( ???) - urban disenfranchisement "my sister just got bit by a rat and whitey is on the moon"
Dan Bern's song about teaching the children "song for the Children" (I believe that is the title) may be useful to inspire your fellow educators.
good Luck, God Bless, and Gods speed