The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7654   Message #46846
Posted By: DonMeixner
26-Nov-98 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: Modifications to Your Acoustic Guitar
Subject: RE: Modifications to Your Acoustic Guitar
In my opinion regarding neck mods on a guitar you know and love or even one you just are attracted too. Don't mess with it. Spend the money and have a qualified mechanic do the work. I would even say have a shop replace the tuners if you are up grading from say, Klusen's to Schaller's even. This is an easy job but unless you are the owner of some GOOD tools and have a delicate touch don't mess with it. You run the risk of cracking the head stock between the holes. Don't try filing the frets unless you have fret files. They are quite expensive and not always easy to find. Working the action untill its perfect is not as easy as you would hope. Trying to pull down a neck that is otherwise straight by tightening the trussrod is courting disaster. Hideo Kamimotto's book on guitar repair is a place to start. Lots of information about necks and action. But practice on some corpses before you try a live one. All that being said, its fun to work on instruments and I build a few and fix a few now and then but I know where my limits lie. It takes more care and study then can be gleaned from a few posts on this forum.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all, even them folks in foreign lands who view this day as merely a Thursday in November.

Best regards.

Don Meixner