The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34653   Message #468810
Posted By: Bluegrass Girl
23-May-01 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: Sweaty hands (Oh my!)
Subject: RE: Sweaty hands (Oh my!)
Don't use antiperspirant on your hands -- it will definitely harm the finish on the neck, body - anywhere you touch - on your guitar.

I have a terrible time with hot stage lighting, etc. - causing my entire arm to sweat. Ruined the finish on one of my Martins from sweaty right arm where it rests on the guitar.

Now I've made several material guards I call "no sweats". They are nice looking, light (don't affect the sound at all), and protect my (more expensive) Martins from possible damage.

My Bass player husband uses baby powder in the summer to keep his left palm dry and moving freely up and down the neck of his doghouse bass. Hasn't hurt the bass at all.

Worth a try. Good luck!