The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34631   Message #469208
Posted By: Sandy Paton
23-May-01 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat canal boat gathering
Subject: RE: Mudcat canal boat gathering
My cherished dream is similar, Don. I'd love to get a barge and a towboat, run it from Pittsburgh to Cairo, turn right to St. Louis, turn left up the Missouri to Boonville, stopping to give programs of river songs and their history in small towns all along the way. Dillon Bustin, Art Thieme, Dave Para and Cathy Barton, Bob Dyer, Craig Johnson (with the Double Decker String band), Jerry Rasmussen, and several others, ought to make up the troup. We couldn't afford a real paddlewheeler, but... what the hell, it's only a dream, anyway.

While I'm dreaming, let's get John Hartford, healthy and playing again, to join us!
