The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33325   Message #469340
Posted By: The Shambles
24-May-01 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: Sessions under threat in UK PART 2
Subject: RE: Sessions under threat in UK PART 2
Because during the period set aside for public comments, there were objections to the licence applications, a hearing was set up for 09/05/01.

None of the objections were to the session. None of the technical bodies had any concerns or required any additional modifications to the application.

The objections and the Environmental Section's response to those objections (their recommendation that loud outside music cease at 06.00pm), all referred to a one-day outside charity concert, involving amplified bands.

In fact these objections had already been dealt with a year ago and should not have delayed the granting of the PEL. A temporary licence was obtained then, with the condition that the outside amplified music moved inside at 06.00pm.

As we had written in support of the application, during this period, I managed to obtain a copy of the report prepared for the hearing and the right to speak at the meeting. This was not easy. For despite the fact that the public notice had asked for 'comments' the subsequent hearing procedures referred only to 'objectors'.

This was to prove academic however as at 08.30am 09/05/01, I received the following Email. "This is just to inform you that the objectors have now dropped their objections to Mr. ....'s application and have reached a compromise with him. This morning's hearing is therefore cancelled.".

The hearing report was distributed to all the council members. This report created a lot of smoke. Had the hearing taken place, it would have been demonstrated that there was no fire. It will however prejudice the meeting of the Social and Community Committee on 05/06/01, which will decide council policy toward participatory folk events.

Despite the fact that the application was only for the "bar and rooms either side". The licence was granted with the additional permission to ""hold one outdoor charity event each year, which must cease no later than 06.00pm".

This means (according to the Licensing Manager), that no other entertainment, even a mime act, can now take place outside. If you were see the unique position of the pub in question, which has no residents to the west at all, except fish, you would see how senseless this condition is.

Except for Morris apparently, although this is not worded in the licence. For according to the Licensing Manager, Morris takes place on ground that is not part of the pub premises? Although this is the very same ground that the stage for the outside charity event takes place. I wonder how she would have viewed it without that excuse?

I have asked if they consider that advertised Morris events are considered as the licensee providing public entertainment and thus subject to a Public Entertainment Licence. Can I see the advent of two person Morris sides?