The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34703   Message #469742
Posted By: jacko@nz
24-May-01 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Crookit Bawbee
It's a grand song


Oh whaur awa got ye that auld crookit penny
For ane o bright gold wad ye niffer wi me
Richt fu are baith ends o ma green silken wallet
And braw will yer hame be in bonnie Glenshee

It's oh gin I saw the dear laddie that got it
Wha when we were bairns twa, gied it tae me
For a the bricht goud in yer green silken wallet
I never wad niffer ma crookit bawbee

Oh whaur awa got ye that auld worsted plaidy
A mantle o satin were fitter for thee
I will clad ye wi satin and mak ye a lady
Gin ye will gang wi me tae bonnie glenshee

Ye may clad me wi satin and mak me a lady
But the heart that beats true neath this auld worsted plaidy
Was gien him lang syne for this crookit bawbee

Ye ken na the laddie that gied ye the penny
Ye ken na the laddie wha's been true tae thee
But I ken the lassie wha wears the auld plaidy
The lassie that's keepit ma crookit bawbee

And are ye the laddie that gied me the penny?
The laddie I'll loe till the day that I dee
Ye may clad me in satin and mak me a lady
And I will gang wi ye tae bonnie Glenshee

It's aye, I'm the laddie that gied ye the penny
The laddie wha'll lo'e ye till the day that I dee
I will clad ye in satin and mak ye a lady
Gin ye will gang wi me tae bonnie Glenshee