The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33778   Message #470163
Posted By: Bat Goddess
25-May-01 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Nottingham, NH Mudcat Party
Subject: RE: Nottingham, NH Mudcat Party
Chowdah sounds grand!

Right this minute I(having absoutely nothing to do with chowder) I'm trying to catch my 2 feral and painfully shy year old kittens in an attempt to get them to their date with the vet and spayings (and, incidently, be boarded over the weekend so they won't escape during the party). Creamsicle actually came up on the bed within 6 inches of my hand before bouncing off and hiding. They like to play in the cat carrier and I'm trying to catch one or both inside, preferably Creamsicle. Banjo I can probably catch later, since she'll actually let me pet her (at least when she's on the bed). AND I have to get a couple files to the printer in Portsmouth, add copy that the client can't seem to find time to get to me despite the deadline, etcet etcet. Oh, and a few other errands before connecting with Curmudgeon so we can go to the session at The Press Room in one car. (Deep breath.)

Everything will be just fine. Everything will be just fine. Everything will be just fine.

Looking forward to the chowdah, Kendall!

Bat Goddess