The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34764   Message #471263
Posted By: kendall
27-May-01 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: Musical Aliases. Fascinating stuff.
Subject: RE: Musical Aliases. Fascinating stuff.
Years ago, a young actor went to try and hire an agent. He walked into this big plush office, the agent was impressed with his appearence etc. But, when he asked the young mans' name, he said "Penis van Lesbian. The agent said, "Whoa, that name has to go!" actor says, "No way, thats my name and I wont change it." Agent says "Goodby." Years later the agent got a letter from the young man, he told the agent that he had been right, and, that he came to realize that the name had to go. He signed the letter, Dick van Dyke.