The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34698   Message #471750
Posted By: GUEST,Bob P
28-May-01 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Subject: RE: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Here's a scenario I would have gladly accepted. Well, the mid-term election results have just come in.

Down in florida the new vote counting machinery worked fine, no recounts are planned. For the first time in many years the voters, not the lawyers, have determined the outcome.

And, this just in . . . the dems have recaptured the house with a plurality of twelve seats, and the switch announced by Senator Jeffords last night added to the gain of three seats in the senate gives the party of Jackson back to the people.

Things are looking down for King George!

Well, he surely had his chance.

What? Oh that was the a dream? Damn shame!