The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #793   Message #471900
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
28-May-01 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: Songs of Faery / Fairy / Fairies
Subject: RE: Songs of Faery
That's where I get ALL my tull lyrics from.. Cup Of Wonder...

Umm... let's see...

The Tull version of John Barleycorn is on A Little Light Music
Jack-In-The-Green is track 2 on Songs From The Wood
Mayhem, Maybe and Kelpie are from the 20 Years boxed set
DunRinglil is on Stormwatch
Heavy Horses, while being an exquisit album, has nothng so overtly faerie, unless one is willing to count Weathercock... Which I guess I'd be willing to do as well...

Peg's article is here if you want that sort of stuff as well...

Then when you're done with Tull, continue on to check out Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span and a few of the other progressive folk rock bands... plenty of them have 'otherworldly' inspirations...
