The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34698   Message #472637
Posted By: MAV
29-May-01 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Subject: RE: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Hey Mouse,

Easy there,

So MAV, you're saying it's okay for you to name-call here, because someone in Washington DC who's never even heard of Mudcat calls names?

It's ok for you and me to call public figures names, that's just the way it is, always has been always will be.(First Amendment right?)

I don't think it's ok for ME to call anyone here names, and except for playing around with some people's screen names, I don't think I have.

You're Alex or Mousethief, a pretty good guy, and hopefully if we ever meet, my friend.

When I see people talking about right-wing extremists, conservative morons etc. I don't take offense, but I may fire back in kind.

If an individual gets vulgar or downright nasty, I try to either make fun of them or at least be acidly confrontational without resorting to potty words.

Sometimes I get some chuckles from the audience, sometimes I don't.

To see more arguing

mav out