The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34838   Message #473049
Posted By: Peg
30-May-01 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: Help: slow down
Subject: RE: Help: slow down
Kendall, just to focus on one part of your post (the evil ice cream!)...

I agree with the suggestion for BALANCE. Being a Libra-Scorpio cusp, as well as having a Capricorn rising and Capricorn moon, I find my body reacts negatively if I do not try to achieve balance in my habits.

Yet, I am a sensualist, lover of beauty and pleasure, and balance need not be about asceticism...

An example, in terms of food which is one aspect of this discussion: I eat basically the same breakfast every day: fresh fruit (in season and organic if possible), coffee (a blend of organic dark roast and decaf beans and chicory) with cream, and whole-grain toast with organic butter.

Could I do without the butter and cream? Of course; but the other aspects of the meal are healthy, and it gives me pleasure and starts my day off right.

If I want to cleanse or lose some weight, I might adjust my morning meal for a while (fresh fruit with organic yogurt and herbal tea, usually); but eventually I go back to eating what works for me.

Sometimes on a Sunday I might have crumpets with peach jam, or bacon and eggs. If I ate this every day, it would not be good; but occasionally, it makes me happy and does no damage.

I think enforced denial of pleasure causes stress; and this is far more detrimental to well-being than the worst of our vices...

Many oldsters out there claim a whiskey and a cigar every day keeps them young...

Now if I could figure out the proper sex equation as it relates to all this...