The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34698   Message #473259
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-May-01 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Subject: RE: POL: A Salute to Jim Jeffords!
Yes, consensus is virtually impossible to achieve in a system founded upon adversarial principles...and that is the whole problem in a nutshell. That's why I would be in favour of abolishing political parties altogether and voting for individuals instead, as is done in local city councils all over the place. Political parties are divisive and self-serving by their very nature. A council that meets as a single united body (combining various different viewpoints) can formulate policy in a far healthier manner than a government divided into partisan power blocks that struggle to humiliate and undercut each other at every turn.

Native American society was built upon consensus, but the modern political system is built upon combativeness.

- LH