The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34928   Message #474351
Posted By: Billy the Bus
01-Jun-01 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Bless 'Em All
Subject: RE: Help: Bless 'em All
G'day toadfrog,

"Bless 'em All" predates "American" involvement in either World War - and may be Kipling - English Music hall, anyway.

And your shoulder-tapper....:)

I assume the person who tapped you on the shoulder in 1970 (aged-then ca 50-70yrs were they?) was thinking of the "Spanish Civil War" - bet there were virgins flying around then (of the song that is).

Stick to yer guns cobber - and your original premise.

Sing the song out loud - it's a goodun'

If you want a Kiwi version - I have one
