The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34710   Message #474422
Posted By: GUEST,UB Dan
01-Jun-01 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Prices II
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Prices II
I'm missing something in what you are saying. You say the high prices are due to limited choice and that a big problem is the government subsidies of the oil/cool industry. This is the result of a regulation of the industry. More choice and less government support would be deregulation, and this is what is being started now...

At the same time, you also seem to be saying that the open-market capitalist system cannot succeed...does this mean that there should be less-choice and energy should be a government run industry. Or are you worried about monopolies...(the Rockefeller's where one of the reasons anti-trust laws were established).

I'm just not sure if your saying regulation or deregulation is preferable, or if your just saying the conbsumer will lose no matter what.