The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34928   Message #474932
Posted By: toadfrog
01-Jun-01 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bless 'Em All
Subject: RE: Help: Bless 'em All
Thanks Les from Hull. I generally agree the song has to be British. Is there anything on line that relates to English music hall tunes? I think very likely a lot of familiar songs come from there, but there seems to be no way to check. (We Americans had no "airmen" in WW II; was that term actually used in the Royal Flying Corps?)

I very much doubt this oringinated in Spanish Civil War. I was thinking more of one of those many popular songs that used to come out of places like Cuba - non military songs about women.

A little like Amos's songs, which I'd be v. much interested in hearing - they sound like more chips off the same block.

G'day to your, Billy the Bus. I think we are badly in need of a Kiwi virgin. Please, lets have it! (Her?)