The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34970   Message #475679
Posted By: Midchuck
03-Jun-01 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: WHAT DO YOU DO ?
Subject: RE: BS: WHAT DO YOU DO ?
I wanted to be a bum and folk singer but lacked the courage of my convictions, and went to law school instead.

33 years now practicing mostly real estate law, solo, in a small Vermont town. It is possible to be a lawyer and make relatively little money, but you have to work at it.

The house is paid for, our part of the childrens' education is paid for, and they're both honestly employed. If I take early social security, I can do it in 2+ years. My health is still ok, if this nasty chest cold will go away....Maybe I can still be a bum and folk singer (apologies for the redundancy).
