The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35054   Message #477556
Posted By: KingBrilliant
06-Jun-01 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting Under Pressure
Subject: RE: Songwriting Under Pressure
bw - I don't think my friend is getting paid for the song - its just a favour for an aquaintance (probably the most difficult kind).
As regards the morning thing - quite a lot of mine are written in the morning on the way to work (driving or cycling are very conducive).
I did have an enormous creative flurry once late at night after a lot of wine, and wrote 4 songs one after the other. Unfortunately in the morning they turned out to be mostly utter crap.... + one which was very heartfelt but completely unsingable due to the subject matter. I managed to salvage one later though - so its worth keeping the failures to work on later.

I keep meaning to get a notebook to keep odd song fragments in.
