The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7890   Message #47761
Posted By: Philippa
03-Dec-98 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Subject: Sam Henry collection
I've been recommending the Sam Henry collection as a source for songs in a few different threads, and have seen others refer to it. So I got a bit of information from Ulstersongs Publishers, Portrush, Co Antrim, N Ireland. Presumably the U. of Georgia publication is available in the US too, though I only have the prices in sterling: Sam Henry collection, info. from Ulstersongs website: Sam Henry's "Songs of the People": (ISBN 0 8203 1258 4): edited by Gale Huntington, Lani Herrman with contributions from John Moulden. (University of Georgia Press) "Songs of the People" was a series which ran from 1923 to 1939 in the Coleraine newspaper "The Northern Constitution". For twelve of those years the editor was Sam Henry who contributed upwards of 500 songs of high quality. Previously highly regarded but known only from scrapbook copies compiled by Sam Henry for the Belfast Public Library, The National Library of Ireland and the Library of Congress, this, the first book publication, has been presented with the music in staff notation, an introduction, notes and references and extensive indices. The basic collection for the North of Ireland. HARDBACK and dust cover: £30.00 + £5.00 p&p PAPERBACK £11.00 + £4.00 p&p (Original price: (paperback) £27.00 (hardback) £54.00) Forthcoming: Songs of the People: Part Two: From 1928-1932 the newspaper series founded by Sam Henry was edited by others. This book, researched and designed by John Moulden, draws on the newspaper archive, the personal papers and memories of one of the collectors and incorporates additional local information. The plagiarism of one of the editors is proven and fully described.The roughly 100 songs, which were not pirated, were collected in Antrim, Derry and Donegal and are presented with musical notation, notes and references and even a few pictures. approx. 160 pages, Price approx. £12, publication intended 1998, more information later. (Ulstersongs, Portrush, N. Ireland)

I don't know just what the code of conduct is for advertising on Mudcat, but I don't have any financial interest in these books.