The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7522   Message #47814
Posted By: Bert
03-Dec-98 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Most un-favorite song topics
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
Way back in The Fifties when it was really an achievement to transmit and receive television across the English Channel, The Television companies in Europe decided to hold an annual song contest.

Each country would submit an entry and an international team of judges would pick the 'best' one.

After the first few contests were won by catchy cutesy up-beat little numbers, all subsequent entrants have strived to 'out-catchy-cutesy' each other.
A search for 'eurovision song contest' in Hotbot will turn up more than you ever wanted to know.

To be fair there have been one or two good ones over the years but taken as a whole they are just too much to bear.
