The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34745   Message #478145
Posted By: MudGuard
07-Jun-01 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: HTML Practice
Subject: RE: HTML Practice
Hi, John,

The main differences between Forum and Chatroom:
Forum: you put a message here and anyone can read it at any time. You have to refresh the message list to see new messages (in this forum, if you use the "Messages since last visit", the refreshing is done automatically every soandso seconds - you can configure it).
Chatroom: you put a message there and those people who are at the chatroom at that time, can read your message. If someone looks in later, he or she can't read your message.

Best search engine: I like best (a meta search engine), but this one is mostly for German sites.

Best ISP: don't know, as I do not know the providers in England
