The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35178   Message #478730
Posted By: JenEllen
07-Jun-01 - 05:56 PM
Dear Frustrated;

You have certainly come to the right place. I concur with the illustrious Miss Mudcat Advisor, and offer these tips in preparation for your next crash:
Stock up on glassware. Inevitably something will be led walk-a-bout for use in tankard orgies, and you don't want to be left drinking straight from the tap.
The new-and-improved George Foreman grill is just the right size to grill a possum, even if they failed to mention that on the commercial...
Go to your local library to read up on tatoos, body piercing, and everything having to do with undergarments so that you are prepared for light conversation apres drinks.
Apparently, many musicians are starving. There is no Sally Struthers for the folk set, so they are bound to eat anything that isn't nailed down. Hide the potpourri.
Save all of your shoeboxes. After the entertainment season is over, you will need someplace to collect all the the thousands of little scribbled-on cassette tapes your guests have left you, for play during the off-season.
Get the hamster some new pasties if Sorcha, kat, or Jackie is coming over, and paint up the squirrel cage. Hell, while you're at it, get a pair for yourself and learn how to twirl.
Drink a pint or four, and teach yourself how to play 'Dixie' on your MarthaStewart mini- blinds. Then call her up at 2am, tell her you know Guy, and show her what you've learned. She loves that.

Miss Begotten