The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35221   Message #479398
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Jun-01 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Subject: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna

This is truly one helluva' place! When I got involved with the 'Cat, we ran threads about where we lived or how old we were and we'd make them kind of anonymous lest the evils of the Internet befall us........"I'm 49 years old and live in southeast Ohio".......we were all doing that. There is no way that this community (for that is what it is) is a simple message board. When you look at the number of meetings and gatherings of 'Catters and begin to realize how much we all know about each other and frankly just accept that this place and all of us are tied together.........I don't think young Max could have guessed in his wildest dreams that this would happen in such a remarkable way.

Bill and I have been trying to meet for years now and something has always "screwed the pooch." With the oral surgery thing, it was close this time......BUT WE MADE IT!!!! Bill, Sam, and Ian arrived about 6:30 PM and after some hugs, I could only stare at Bill, completely amazed that I had finally gotten to meet the man who is the "Ambassador-At-Large" of the Mudcat Cafe. Karen, our sons, Wayne, Connie, their sons (Ricky(16) and David(12) were introduced and we all began talking and from that point on, for me, the night became a happy blur!

The ribs and brats were on the grill and we didn't clear the driveway for about an hour! Sam and Ian took instruments inside and played a bit while we talked and then played some Frisbee. All of our kids were totally taken with Sam and Ian.......and so were we. I had heard so much of Ian's talents and they are not in the least overrated. That scrawny little lad is just UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! We all need to work at putting some meat on the boy's bones and fill him out a bit! And, as Bill's tea maker, he took sister Connie and in detail showed her how to make a "proper cup of English tea." He had to show her several times, but it was great to see Karen, Connie, and some of the kids gathered 'round as Ian meticulously explained. His musicianship is simply fantastic as Rick stated so well. But ya' know, it was also fun to see he and Sam out playing with our boys and still having a good time being "kids." Life is short and there is all too much that gets lost as we work at surviving in the world and making a few bucks.

Which brings me to Sam Pirt...........There is no use telling anymore about Sam and his accordion. What hasn't been said will be said over the next years and we will hear much of both he and Ian. It has been my pleasure to "watch" Sam grow and mature on the 'Cat and read of his band and his awards, but it was a far greater pleasure to meet this fresh faced and entirely lovable young man personally. Both he and Ian represent the best that can be had and the future of our music AND our world is going to be quite safe in their hands. My son Tristan was completely taken with Sam. As most of you know Tris is MRDD but he also has a wonderful insight into people and he knows who the good guys are. Today, driving home, I asked him about Sam and he gets very excited and asks, "Sam back?" And yes, ANYTIME we can have them all or individually back, we will take them.

Bill and I shared a lot of thoughts that are quite similar about the 'Cat and where it's going and what the future holds. Bill has an idea that we need to work on and we'll get to it soon......Everybody save your money. Bill Sables is everything I expected and much more. This trip with Sam and Ian speaks to what the man really is. The music as you've already heard or been told is wonderful, but the cover shot and the name on the CD says it all........Ian and Sam on one gate of a canal lock, Bill on the other, with a couple of feet of space between the gates.......and the name is "Bridging the Gap." Indeed. How can you do more for the music and the tradition than what Bill is doing? He has my highest respect and admiration......and my friendship.

Bill also came bearing gifts for Catspaw. I am proud to say I now have an official Yorkshire Gathering how many of you other Yankees got one huh? I am honored to have it and I thank all of 'Catters at the gathering for including me. Bill had a gift from Rick, which was not the rubber dog shit I was expecting. I now have this 'early days of Rick Fielding 45 record" that I think I'll frame with a picture of Rick in the hopes that someday he'll make it REALLY big and I can score a few bucks!!!! Then Bill gave me a sealed package that had been delivered to him in Belgium by a man dressed in black leathers and riding a motorcycle (bring up James Bond theme music). Upon opening it I found a piece of statuary that I will tell you all about on another thread in a week or so........til then, thank you Mooman!!! Plus, I got to take a good look at Micca's tankard.

The worst part of all this was that our time together was all too short. Wayne, Connie, and the kids at least got them the next morning til about noon or so while Karen and I were at the hospital. Wayne and Connie, as you read in the other thread, were also simply thrilled to have them and both our homes are always open to any 'Catters and of course to these three anytime! WE needed a lot more time for music and a lot more time to talk. This was just way too damn short!!! At least we got to meet finally!!!! They'll be stopping by the Martin factory and also driving to Amish country in Pennsylvania along with anna's gathering and Mudcat Radio and Animaterra's before they return home. I'm sure that for every stop, everyone feels the time is too short.

AND MAX----Columbus is the biggest college town in the United States with Ohio State University being the largest campus. I gave Bill, Sam, and Ian matching polo shirts with the Ohio State logo. First, I figure when they get back to the Jug, people will ask, "What the hell is an Ohio State?" But moreover Max......How can you let ol' Spaw clean your clock like this? 'Course I figure Penn State is such a pissant place that they don't have any shirts at all.......................
