The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35221   Message #479630
Posted By: Sam Pirt
09-Jun-01 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Subject: RE: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
From Gill - Sam's mum

Whoops, I didn't quite finish!

Catspaw - many thanks for the wonderful account of your time with the 3 lads. I sort of feel I was there with you all - it was great that your family could be part of it. Your hospitality is second to non! I can't wait to hear about it all first hand from Sam.

Thank you again.

**Info from Connie**

For some reason Connie sent me a lovely long account of the lads' time in Canada between leaving Rick and going on to Pennsylvania - and asked ME to forward it on. I've tried all sorts but can't quite get the hang of how I copy and post it to Mudcat. When Sam gets back I'll really start to learn but at the moment I'm so basic - just surviving!

Connie says they had a great time - western BBQ with loads of real US food I know will have set Sam alight! Had a birthday party for Connie's son and an early birthday for Spaw. Connie said music was good, Bill said US tea was awful.

On the whole - everything was great!

Sorry I can't be more use - perhaps next time.

Love - Gill