The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35221   Message #479728
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Jun-01 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Subject: RE: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Geraldine/Jellybeam and Gill,

Welcome to the Mudcat and thanks so much for sharing your talented sons with us! Your own postings have been a lot of fun to read.

BlueJay is right. Hvaing met Bill, in my OWN living room, last year, with AllanC, this whole batch of reporting of this trip have brought back a lot of wonderful feelings from then. Thanks everyone for your wonderful descriptions. I shake my head and marvel at what is Mudcat!
