The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35221   Message #479859
Posted By: JeZeBeL
09-Jun-01 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Subject: RE: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
helloooo there my friewnds!! Hope you are all having a good time uin trhe states!! I apologfise for my spelling but I finished work and stayed for a few drinks!! Well 7 actually to be precise!!

IAN - you'll never guess who I saw in the maltings tonight? U lknoew Start froim kingsmen???? Him n his mate Jo were there getting severly XXXXed with nme!!!!

Oh, yeah, by the way I am now working at the MALTINGS friaday night and Staurdauy dtay!! HOew coolis that. O

Oh daear, my tyoping is getting really bad bnow..

Hmmm, I not drunk rewally!!

Tkae care you guys.

I miss youa loads you know that...It's so quite without ur box n Sam's accorsdion...How will I cope..

SAM - I've been practising the accordion loads n loads, while sober by the way, and I vcan noew paly the whoele of Winstor gsallop and keel row!! I've tried badss changess toooooooooooooo!!

Csn't wait for me noext elsson. Owe u lotsa money.

Goit a suprise 4 u at beverley too. Hoipe you like uit!!

Emma xxx