The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35221   Message #479891
Posted By: Sam Pirt
09-Jun-01 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
Subject: RE: BILL,SAM,&IAN-Spaw sends them on to anna
From Sam's Mum - Gill

Hi Sam, you've surfaced at last! Great to hear from you. You all sound to be doing great - don't forget to come home eh?

I will confirm with Bill Sowerby that you will do the Friday night midnight concert spot then join the band. I'm sure you'll still be running on enthusiasm and adrenalin!

Week 2 and all is well!

Much love and sloppy kisses (mums can say that eh?)

from mum XXXXX