The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35217   Message #480496
Posted By: InOBU
10-Jun-01 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: African mudcatters? Am I alone?
Subject: RE: African mudcatters? Am I alone?
Not to go fully overboard on thread creap, but, what makes you believe I am a militant? Personaly, well, my relationship to the Quaker peace testimony is complex, but I suppose my position that the IRA is not a terrorist organizaiotn is the origion of that belief. My stand on the IRA is a matter of law, not conviction, and I, especially at this time in my life, am fairly sure I myself would not have taken up arms in Ireland, though I would not make a blanket condemnation of ONE side that did, anymore than I would condem those who fought in Spain. I reject all fundemental statements, life is a continuing set of cercumstances and decisions which are individuals responcibilities to make.
As to Quaker emotional violence DON'T YOU KNOW IT!!! There are some gentle Friends - but my family were alienated from the meeting as they were artists, only I remained, because I was able to keep with a small peer group of like minded, gentle Friends. Carol, I hope you get beyond the scars I know so well...
Cheers to all my sister and brother African (Irish English Asian Pasific Islander....)American mudcatters... Evangelicals as well :-)
Larry "Bloodaxe the Horrible" Otway
Only kidding about the nickname, but being called a militant brought out my Norman genes!