The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35305   Message #480827
Posted By: Max
11-Jun-01 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: annamil's gathering and S,I,b/s update
Subject: annamil's gathering and S,I,b/s update
Wow, I've just returned from one of the finest weekends of my life. Went up to the Garden State to annamil's gathering and to see Karen K., bbc, Duane D., Annamil and Glen, Bert, and of course Sam, Ian and bill. Boy did we have fun. Annamil is a spectacular host, far too kind to us, above and beyond the call of duty. We ate like kings.

We all went to the gig at a local pub, just off the beach on Saturday night. The talent I saw on a collective and individual level sent chills through my body and "practice, practice, practice" through my mind. Intimidating and inspiring all at the same time. Just like the PGA Tour commercials: "These Guys are Good!" They did two sets of unbelievable stuff, and then we had a sort of open jam where Bert and I did our best to follow that act. My daughter Alexis (11) came along which gave me great joy for her to witness my friends, the music, everything. It was a great night.

Sunday, we awoke to Karen K's beautiful voice and then good tunes off the stereo, pancakes and kayak rides in annamil's beautiful river. What a way to wake up. Then off to the beach we went. Sam, Ian, Alexis and I spent a couple of hours swimming and sunning and shell hunting. Couldn't have been a better day for it.

I'm left with no words that can explain my gratitude to Anna and my appreciation and admiration for the boys from across the pond. I am a lucky man to have such friends.

UPDATE: Sam, Ian and Bill are off to Amish country this morning and should be arriving here in Mudcatville midday today. I'll feed them, show them around my cute little town and get them some sleep in preparation for a big show tomorrow night. If Mudcat Radio ends up anything like Saturday night, its gonna smoke. Can't wait.