The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7923   Message #48192
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
05-Dec-98 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: Big Locomotive 99
Subject: RE: Big Locomotive 99
One of my fondest memories comes from the night I saw Jesse Fuller at the Foghorn in Baltimore (circa 1967). I was a poor college student and could not afford many "nights out" that included cover and a minimum. But I had to go see Jesse. It was a wonderful evening with Jesse doing his one man band. For those of you unfamiliar with Jesse he played a big old 12-string. He had a standard metal harmonica rack with both harmonica and kazoo strapped in. He played a high-hat cymbal with one foot and an instument he called the "Fotdella" with the other. The "fotdella" from the audience side looked like a big wooden box about 2 feet by 2 and 1/2 feet. The side towards Jesse was open and inside Jesse had stretched some piano wire with the basic bass notes (don't ask me which notes). At the bottom were a row of pedals like those used by a bass drum in a trap set. One pedal for each string. Jesse was all wired up, everything had built in microphones.

Jesse played wonderful blues and rags and his warm personality shone through.

Roger in Baltimore