The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11945   Message #482441
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Cohen (still at hosp, 5AM)
13-Jun-01 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: No Parkig
Subject: RE: No Parkig
When I was a medical student doing my pediatrics rotation at Harrisburg (Pa.) Hospital, I always enjoyed the sign on the door that said, "Nursey". Every time I went in, though, all I found was babies.

And in the scratched-out letters department, I'm sure we've all seen the electric hand dryers in public rest rooms that said "Push button, rub hands under warm air" (this was before the days of the universally incomprehensible pictograms). Somebody could always be found to scratch out "on", "w", and "air".

Allan C, thanks for refreshing's good to remind ourselves that there were goofy threads even in the Golden Age of Mudcat. (Said with tongue firmly in check.)
