The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19340   Message #482614
Posted By: GUEST,SharonA
13-Jun-01 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
Subject: RE: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
I'm a newcomer (newbie? or newkie?) and I just read your instructions about creating line breaks. I'm confused about the following text: "Most word processors will let you search for 'special characters' - search for a paragraph mark or carriage return, and "replace all" with both a paragraph mark and a <br> line break (if you remove all the paragraph marks and just replace them with line breaks, you get a jumble of words that's hard to work with)." Does this mean I need to type the 'less than - br - greater than' symbol ONLY, or the symbol AND a hard return? Or the hard return and THEN the symbol??? Thanks for your help.
Hi, Sharon - you can replace those carriage returns with just a <br> line break and then paste the whole mess into Mudcat. I replace with both a carriage return and then a line break because the end product is easier for me to review - it comes out with a line break at the beginning of each line except the first, and that makes it easy for me to see it's OK.
Welcome to Mudcat.
-Joe Offer-