If these aliens are so damned smart that they can cross galaxies at supra-light speeds, why is it they always pick some godforsaken, redneck khazi of a community to do their abductions? I mean, surely it makes more sense to put your saucer down in the middle of Central Park than in Hicksville (or maybe not - in Central Park you wouldn't last five minutes before some crack-head made off with the hyperdrive unit and all your anti-gravity blasters had been swiped - leaving the saucer propped up on bricks and 'tagged' by the graffiti krew). It would certainly give more credibility to the tales if a paid-up member of the chattering classes were to tell all about being whisked away and anally-probed, rather than someone from the shallower end of the gene pool who can count up to 13 and still not run out of fingers. I'm afraid the truth is out there, and it's terribly mundane.