The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11945   Message #483187
Posted By: GUEST
14-Jun-01 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: No Parkig
Subject: RE: No Parkig
Skipjack, any man that refers to me as a young'un either wants his eyes/'ed testing, or is alright in my book. As you've been known to frequent the Hunter's, it's probibly both! It's our favoured watering hole when we're out that way, but have never been on 'box' night (noisy buggers - them box squeezers!)

You rightly said that the 'Poles' sign was up by Cannard's Grave. The pub there used to have two different signs. On one it was called 'Cannard's Well Inn', on the other it was called 'Cannard's Grave Inn'. I always wondered what happened to the sign in between. The one that should read 'Cannard's Feeling Extremely Unwell Inn'. When they re-furbished the pub a while back, all the signs became 'Cannard's Grave Inn'.

Coleford folks, wrong side o' the batch, heh! I'll 'av ee know, 'ems be zolt o' thee erererth (if p'r'aps one lump short of a vull zack). So, where's ee to?

FONE-ETIC spelling deliberate!
