The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35217   Message #485666
Posted By: Frogmore
17-Jun-01 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: African mudcatters? Am I alone?
Subject: RE: African mudcatters? Am I alone?
"Old Africa Peace Corps Days" - YES - Although I was not in the Peace Corps, I was a wandering guy with a backpack and a journal who benefitted greatly from PC peoples' help - medication when I was sick, reliable info about places I was headed to, and cool camraderie. I arrived in Dakar from the Canary islands in 1972 and made my way through Mali (the "Bamako Express"), Haute Volta, Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Nigeria, Niger, Algeria, Morocco and back to Europe. This was the richest time of my life and cost me the least. I wish anyone who remembers South Carolina Dave would contact me. Gregory Peck's son (can't recall first mane) was in Dakar and I recall him as a very nice guy/gentleman. Continuing with the name-dropping, I camped at the old fort in Dix Cove, Ghana with the offspring of Linus Pauling and wonder what became of them. I felt the most "at home" in Ghana and Togo (perhaps because of the connection to the S.C. Gullah people I grew up with). Also, does anyone remember Lisa Leghorn, the first white female taxi driver in Lome? I even recorded a song about Lome and her. She put me down for a wealthy Dutch diamond dealer, but what the hell! Thanks for tolerating the rambling but I am a curious kind of cat. Oh, by the way, I heard some unforgettable music wherever I went - often amplified on equipment so crude that it would be probably be tossed out in our spoiled country. Made me realize that it's gotta come from the heart, and nothing else matters. Frogmore