The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35520   Message #486008
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
18-Jun-01 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Subject: RE: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS! (Next sentence reread and then deleted during the reflection that mind-numbing ignorance is sometimes not the result of choice, but of circumstance.)

Someone with an ounce of integrity or brains please do a background search on him, before you accept one word of what this fraud has to say.

Why am I not suprised that no one in this thread has mentioned Lee Duc Tho, who declined the Nobel because, as one of his biographers revealed, he knew that the NVA would attack as soon as the Americans were gone. Kissinger was at least trying to remove the Americans from the war. Tho knew that the only thing waiting for the South Vienamese was torture, rape, and re-education, as soon as Tho's bosses could impose it.

And remember that in the openings to Red China, as clumsy as they were for the murderous bunch that "tanked" free speech at Tiennamein Square, Kissinger did more for peace than any politician of his day.

The Left has always relied on two propositions, that fools are born every minute, and that diplomacy, like making sausage, is a messy business, and later subject to the clucking tongue review by those with an agenda. And a review of ex-communist Mark Radosh's new book, "The New Left, the old Left and the Left Behind Left" postulated that "Unless the Left rewrites it's failures, or blames them on some evil plot that twarted the desired outcomes, it will be doomed to relive them, to the quiet ridicule of history."

DBBTCMO (Dogs Bark, But The Caravan Moves On)

PS: And the song that Tom Paxton wrote about the Killing Fields, or Pol Pot, or Tienamien was... hello... anybody there?