The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35518   Message #486239
18-Jun-01 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Hello Hans (Harvey Andrews)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Hello Hans
What's fascinating here is how words are interpreted and, as in the song lyric, added to and changed. If you read my preface to the lyric I submitted you will see there is no mention of anyone other than the artists who record the lyrics sloppily, and yet you have translated this into my being unfair to Suzanne..there is no subtext and no offence was intended. Suzanne can only pass on that which she has been given. At the moment in popular music, ie the music listened to by most of the folks, the standard of lyric writing is at an all time low..we have passed from the golden age of song into the age of percussion! My particular love is literate and intelligent lyrics, and if they are there I want them preserved because they are rare and important to me, and I hope,to you and the future.I was making the point that, for me, when the folk process of change has happened to my lyrics, and to the lyrics of other writers I love, it has never improved them, only made them poorer. When the day comes that I get an improved version I will be the first to cheer!! we all have our particular passion and I'm glad we have forums like this to allow us to share them. Mine is no offence intended and none should be taken!!