The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1392   Message #4868
Posted By: Joe Offer
06-May-97 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
Subject: RE: lyrics-California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
I suppose it is all well and good to devote countless gigabytes here and in about what is and what is not folk music and how crass it is to post non-folk material in a folk site. I mean, we have to keep our music pure, don't we?

I'm still not convinced. If I want the words to "Flying Purple People Eater" and post a lyrics request here, what harm have I done?

I don't see a serious threat here. There seems to be no indication at all that Digitrad and are being subverted by punk rockers. So, why all the fuss? The people here are mostly people interested in folk music. If we have a question about a song that doesn't quite fit the definition of folk music, why should we have to go elsewhere? Most likely, there's somebody here with similar interests who can answer.

Er....if anybody does have the lyrics to "Purple People Eater," I'd sure like them. Also "My Boomerang Won't Come Back."

-Joe Offer-