The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1392   Message #4870
Posted By:
06-May-97 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
Subject: RE: lyrics-California Dreamin' (Mamas & Papas)
"I don't see a serious threat here. "

"what harm have I done?"

*sigh*..because, Joe, it is not's not illegal, it's just not polite.In the final analysis, it comes down to whether you WANT to see the explanations given above by myself & Barry Finn & LaMarca.At this moment in time, is is not a 'serious' problem...just a nuisance for those who want the stated topic for this venue to be meaningful. I treat it like spraying for mosquitos-you can never get them all, but by complaining out loud and having an occasional thread like this, a few may think twice about the approptiateness of their requests and maybe it won't BECOME a serious problem!

No one can MAKE you agree-and I'll wager someone will even answer your request--and I'll survive. I take the long view, however, and I worry about 3 or 4 years from now, when the word gets out widely about this 'service' amoung the rock music groups and the singer-songwriter groups etc..(who have the 'folkies' seriously outnumbered!)I have seen this problem already in newsgroups on various topics;people simply refusing to keep the topic to the original concept and just posting whatever pleases them. If this thing was titled "The Eclectic Music Database and Bulletin-board",I would just shrug, but it DOES say 'Digitrad', and 'Purple People Eaters' is not 'trad' is out-dated silly pop music...cute, but not 'folk' or 'trad'. (I think I know most of it, but I will NOT post it here...just on principal)Someone else may..

So, Joe, it comes down to a matter of opinion about what "doesn't quite fit the definition of folk music" .......I choose to err on the conservative side