The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35539   Message #487043
Posted By: Áine
19-Jun-01 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 55
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 55
Well, I must say I am impressed at the quality of entries this time around! I never thought that we'd reach the operatic heights! Brilliant and brilliant . . . So, without further ado or to-do (or kudu, come to think of it), here are the Silver B.L.O.B.s for this last batch of cuspadorial delights:

To mousethief for:

No ordinary ordinary showed him the ropes
He wore leather holsters for his stethoscopes
And he growled, "Ye varmints!" at the working dopes
That's Doc
(Big Doc, big Doc, big bad Doc)

To SharonA for:

The Undergarden Railroad gnomes
Senility with guns
Wild Turkey in the swimmin' hole
A belch with rising suns
A raccoon's three-week drinking binge
A Kudu Chip Spit Fair
The tale of Johnny-in-a-spot
Authentic mermaid wear.

To Trapper for:

I'm in-sane, I'm in-sane, narcissistic it seems
That's whats the matter with me
I'm in-sane, I'm in-sane, diagnostically,
But I've got my stethescope-hand free

To Amos for:

As he's signing prescriptions with half his attention,
Sung to the jingle of bedpans and spurs,
Singing gunslinger's ballads, of his own invention,
For the one thing that heals him, of all of his cures.
Is the sweet Western wind that endures,

And to Clifton53 for (the delightful!):

Look at my snakeskin boots, see how they shine
Cuspiador, Cuspiador
Riding chaps, oh yes the rhinestones they are mine,
Diddle-dee die dee lum dum didle-dee,
There goes your pancreas, I'll fix your knee
Oh whoopee ti yi yee

Well done, Challenge!rs!!

-- Áine