The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35616   Message #487096
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
19-Jun-01 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
The idea of European trade is not something new. We have traded with Europe between and during wars for hundreds of years. My point is that the largest group of trading nations in the world is the Commonwealth. European business is in direct conflict with the UK, why surrender control to a European led bureaucracy? We have damaged our relationship within the Commonwealth by becoming Eurocentric I think its the biggest political and monetary mistake the UK ever made. Having said that; I am not opposed to certain principals of international law and economic cooperation. A single currency is simply not necessary; and as such it surrenders political control to a stateless bureaucracy run by the competition. My God is it possible we could vote in Communism by another name? Think long and hard about it first people. Yours, Aye. Dave