The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35616   Message #487743
Posted By: Wolfgang
20-Jun-01 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
Bald Eagle sees correctly that the common currency will have more than just monetary or economic consequences. My consequence is different: I'd love to see more (direct) democracy on a European level so that the responsibility for decisions is with persons with faces who can be thrown out of job by elections.

Example #2 from above as a longer citation with context: The common currency is an important step on the road to European integration. But it is only a frame, a frame we have to fill with life. We need a quick and believable democratisation of the European institutions. The Federal Government [of Germany] is convinced that our Europe should not replace or abolish national identities.
