The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35666   Message #487996
Posted By: RangerSteve
20-Jun-01 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: My claim to fame - whats yours?
Subject: RE: BS: My claim to fame - whats yours?
Billy Joel was in my 10th grade math class.That was in Hicksville (yes, really, the town is called Hicksville) Long Island, NY. In the same class, I sat next to Virginia Calahan, Billy's former girlfriend and the same Virginia he sings about in "Only the Good Die Young". A band that I was in did the soundtrack for a triple-X rated film called Big Abner. It was a pornographic take-off on the Little Abner comic strip. This was years ago and we were willing to do almost anything for money, since paying jobs for old-time string bands were few and far between at the time. And still are. I saw the completed film at a sleazy movie house on Times Square, and I can,in all fairness, say that you don't need to ever see this flick. It has just occured to me that someone scanning this paragraph quickly is going to read it as "Billy Joel was in an X-rated movie. I don't know how I feel about that. Just don't blame me for starting the rumor.