I had this by Oscar Brand somewhere. This is as much as I remember, I'm missing I think the opening verse and one in the middle. It's for them chanteysingers...I was walking down the street like a good girl should
He followed me down the street like I knew he would
CHO: Because a gob is a slob, wherever he may be
Listen and I'll tell you what this sailor did to me
I walked to my house...
He followed me to my house...(CHO)
I ran up the stair
Like a frightened hare
I even locked my bedroom door
I turned to the bed
I almost fell over dead
Somehow he slipped right in before
So I got into bed like a good girl should
He followed me into bed...(CHO)
He grabbed me tight
And he switched out the light
And he settled down to stay
I would have said
Please leave this bed
But who the hell is built that way?
So I had me a time like a good girl should
He had him a time...(CHO)
And I had me a child...
And he went off to sea like I knew he would
Because a gob is a slob, wherever he may be
Now you've heard the story what this sailor did to me!Naemanson, trade you for your Oscar Brand version of Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor!